Global Warming Skepticism for Busy People


Just read any skeptics blog to get a daily feed of such scientists. Here some examples but there's an endless stream:

Storms not getting worse: "there is no clear trend in most basins, but a significant decrease in power dissipation index has been detected in the South Indian Ocean basin since 1994, which is almost entirely due to a decrease in both tropical cyclone frequency and duration in this basin",

Pacific islands not drowning: "Results challenge perceptions of island loss, showing islands are dynamic features that will persist as sites for habitation over the next century",

Warming in 20th century over-estimated: "correcting the ocean cold bias would result in a more modest early-twentieth-century warming trend",

Or for more direct refutations:

Roy Spencer, climatologist, who has written entire books refuting climate change narratives:

Judith Curry, (retired) climatologist, "All things considered, planet earth is doing fine. We are obviously not facing an existential crisis. Anyone who tells you that we are, is not paying attention to the historical data. Instead, they are concerned about what “might” happen in the future, based on predictions from inadequate climate models, driven by unrealistic assumptions."

Nicola Scafetta, climatologist,